Boswell, J. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
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The new office will serve thousands of Georgia Power customers in the area and offer a full suite of customer services including account management, bill payment assistance, metering services, energy efficiency advice and more. Georgia Power currently operates more than local business offices in communities across the state as part of its commitment to providing exceptional customer service to 2. Georgia Power relocated the office to its new location to improve convenience and access for local customers. In addition to local business offices, Georgia Power serves customers through more than 2, authorized payment locations APLs throughout the state, over the phone and online every day. To locate a Georgia Power business office, APL, or access customer service 24 hours a day, visit www.
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Кирсанов В. Русские геи, лесбиянки, бисексуалы и транссексуалы. Биографии выдающихся россиян и современников. В первую часть книги вошли очерки о жизни выдающихся россиян, отличавшихся нетривиальной сексуальностью.